It is important to ensure that prospective tenants are financially secure, meaning they are able to meet their weekly or monthly rent payments.
While landlords can generate an income from their rental properties, it is important to ensure that prospective tenants are financially secure, meaning they are able to meet the weekly or monthly rent.
There is also peace of mind to be gained for the landlord when they have factual evidence that tenants are likely to look after their rental property with care. Although deposits are generally used to provide protection for landlords, there are times when the deposit simply won’t cover the cost of repair.
What can landlords do to protect themselves?
Background checks into prospective tenants can uncover outstanding debt and anti-social behaviour orders, for example. The information from these background checks enables the landlord to make sound decisions in awarding tenancy or denying it.
Likewise, background checks into tenants can confirm the person or persons to be of sound financial background and social behaviour, thereby providing reassurance to the landlord.
What about tenants?
While it is important for landlords to ensure their tenancy agreements are sound, it is also important for tenants to ensure their landlord complies with the law and upholds the high standards expected of them.
As with landlords, tenants can also employ the services of investigators to ensure their future landlord is not a criminal landlord who will not ensure the property is safe or be mindful of tenants’ rights.
Can we help?
Our team of private investigators are experienced in gathering information which can inform the decision-making process.
Contact us on 01392 278612 to discuss your information gathering needs.